maandag 13 augustus 2007

Small game

Made a game for the 3dp.

woensdag 8 augustus 2007

Beta test 01 started.

I finished the chapter and the betatest has started at the forums.


zondag 5 augustus 2007

Copter attack!

Working on the boss of chapter 1. (Chapter 0 will be made later btw.)

Wait; The boss! That means that chapter 1 is almost finished...
That means the first betatest will start soon!

vrijdag 3 augustus 2007


Okay, I fixed some more bugs, and am now working on the final room of chapter 1.

Notice the armored shotgun fbi guy on the screenie. :3

woensdag 1 augustus 2007

Hey hey...

Work is still going smoothly, I added a new enemy type: Armored fbi guys with shotguns. The lab tiles will be quite nice, just need to add pipes and stuff. I also added SECRETS. Yes, to get full score in revengerman (to unlock minigames? D:) You will need to find 3 secrets per chapter, and perfect every room. Chapters will exist of 5 rooms with small/big boss. Currently got the first 4 rooms, after the fifth is completed, the beta will start. So hurry and subscribe here.